I remixed the 3D Printing Nerd “Make Me a Super Hero” entry by “printplateau” into a coffee cup fit for a 3D Printing Superhero! Because, as we all know, Caffeine is the source of a true nerd's superpowers!
I used Fusion 360 to decapitate the head from the source model and design a handle. Mesh Mixer was then used to close, re-mesh, and touch up the model. Finally, I used Prusa Slicer to slice the model and add supports, then printed it on an Original Prusa i3 Mk3s+ in Prusa PLA.
Obviously, if you are going to use this for an actual beverage, PLA is not the material to use. I intend to re-print this in PETG with thicker side walls for use as an actual mug. I'm also curious how it would come out if printed in ceramic filament and fired in a kiln! In the mean time, this one makes a great desk ornament and pen holder.
The author remixed this model.