Case for FT8 Phaser

This is a case I designed for the FT8 Phaser HF transceiver by Midnight design solutions (See details here:…
9h 19m
4× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
143.00 g
In the contest Practical models
updated January 30, 2020



This is a case I designed for the FT8 Phaser HF transceiver by Midnight design solutions (See details here: )

I've included both a multi-material version of the front panel and a plain version that just has the name embossed.

The lid is a snap fit with very tight tolerances. I may be revising this with looser tolerances to make it easier to print, but I wanted my case to be snug and tight.

Print instructions

I've included .3mf files with my print settings on my Mk3s with MMUs2. But this can easily be printed single color on any printer. no supports are necessary but only the bottom.stl is in the correct position for printing. It was designed so all of the outward facing flat surfaces print face down on the build plate (since I wanted to show off the texture from my powder coated build plate!)

The shell pieces (top/bottom) can also be printed on end, but some support would be needed in that position.

I'm not huge on sharing gcode either...but went ahead and included it since I kind of wanted to try it on here.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
