A coat hanger that combines some light wood work with 3d printing.
1h 36m
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
27.00 g
In the contest Practical models
updated January 29, 2020



A coat hanger that combines some light wood work with 3d printing.

For wood you need:
1: 12mm x 68mm x length required
1: 12mm x 55mm x length required

https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/lat-geschaafd-hardhout-12x55-mm-210-cm/p/B203963 )

Print the number of hooks you need and combine the wood (join the two planks together (screws), smaller plank should be aligned center on the bigger plank. I suggest you join them together from the side you won't see ;) ) Slide the hooks into place and align them as you want. Then pick at least two hooks where you want to hide any screws to mount the coat hanger to the wall. Slide hooks off and drill proper holes for mounting the hanger to the wall, then also drill the hole just a little bit bigger drillbit as to sink the screw head down to planklever (else the hook can't slide over). Slide hangers over wood again and mount to wall.

The hooks feature a 3mm nut and screw mount, put a nut into the nut hole and screw a screw (10mm?) in. The screw should go trough the nut and run into the wood gripping the wood and fixing the hook into place. Since fitting seems pretty tight I ended up not needing this myself. Putting the nuts in might require the "screw pulling technique"

Inspiration from this coat hanger: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3747368 .
I didn't have the tools to cut the wood as in this version so decided to simplify the required wood work and add a method to fix the hooks into place after mounting.

Print instructions

Printed in PLA, take note of the included prusaslicer screenshot, check you infill the screenshot seems strongest to me. PLA is working fine for me sofar :)


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
