Simple & Strong Hook - V3

New version of the double hook, this time with an invisible mounting solution. So no more visible screws! :)
updated May 5, 2022



Good and strong. Fit between the pieces is really nice. Thanks!

Very nice. Bit too small for my needs, but very clean. Thanks for sharing.

Excellent model. I enlarged it to 120% and it is perfect. The rider also fits perfectly.

Very Nice Design !
Sleek and Strong.

Does the job, thank you for making and sharing this.

Great design!

I would love a hidden screws version of the single hook you did too 👍

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@emeyedeejay_169022 No problemo ;)

Hope that the design suits your needs, it was a fun exercise to model👍

Nice design, i like the hidden screws, thats a perfect solution. I printed this hooks in PLA. One with standing and the green one lying without support and it works also :).

Mi daughter asked me for a hook to hang her bags in her wardrobe. I printed this one. It is very firm and useful. Printed in PLA

Thanks for the model! Exactly what I was looking for to achieve a clean look!

Printed on Prusa Mini+ with Revo 0.6mm nozzle using FilaLab PLA. (Still tuning settings)

Any way to make them printable laying down? Seems the strength is best in that direction.

@AlexB_524533 You can print it laying down, albeit with support material.

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