Qidi X-Plus X-Max Printer Carriage with leveling support

Needed a solid place to add a auto leveling sensor on my printer
updated June 6, 2023



I just recently converted my Qidi X-Plus over to a Lerdge K setup like my X-Pro. I wanted to keep the FFC ribbon cable setup but add the auto leveling functionality now available to me. I tinkered with several addon mounts but none of them seemed stable enough to want to leave there. So I went about recreating the existing carriage in Fusion360 while adding the mount for a PL-08N proximity sensor. At the same time I made some improvements to the center of the carriage to allow for new hotend sensors and heaters.

Why not use something more fancy than a PL-08N? Well one of the biggest limiting factors was sticking with the stock FFC setup. The breakout board has a 3 pin open connection for a leveling sensor but I found that that and many of the other pins on the board were tied together for simplicity so I couldn't repurpose other open pins to use something like a BLTouch. so a 3 wire inductive sensor it is. The reliability has been quite good and the one on my Voron 2.4 worked very well too until the repeated high temp prints started softening it like many people experience.



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Qidi x-plus/ max carriage original
by alexvikingo (thingiverse.com)
