Fully functional desk lamp in Steampunk style

Check my Fallout 4 Ripper project on MMF: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-fallout-4-ripper-322286
In the contest Print Tables
updated September 10, 2023



Dear friend, I am very impressed by your image, I am simply delighted with this masterpiece! Even when I was assembling the lamp I got great pleasure. I decided to paint it copper and I liked the result. It took 1 can of paint to paint. I printed it on CREALITY K2plus, but I don't understand why so many VITs were needed in the model, it is expensive to buy so many VITs, but the result is simply a masterpiece

Great print! Enjoyed making it! I love how it looks with how my wife decided to paint it!

I made it, so cool. I did not have to do any modifications and had no failed prints.
I hand painted it with some rusty paint kit I found online.

I am still waiting for the right fitting to arrive so I put some old one I could fins in my garage in it.

@Delta_1363718 Very nice rust colour, what paint was it painted with?

This was fun to print and put together. Looks amazing especially when lit! Thank you!

Printed 300+ hours and test fitting complete, some parts painted with copper spray paint. Waiting for my order of m4x16 to finish it, after painting all the parts and connecting the power cable. Very nice model.

Get print. Lots of fun to make and build. Modified switch to a more industrial look using 1/2" printed pipe fittings

Thank you very much for sharing this. It's fantastic!

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@TomaszFortyFo_261615 Your Work is amazing. Love the style Thanks for Sharing

Finally finished printing all the parts. Now it's time for paint and assembly.

Really cool design, that parts fit together perfectly.

So cool, thx for sharing! Printed with my MK3S+ and my FLSUN SR @0.2 / 0.16
Das Filament Gold V2, Anthrazit V2 ,Bronze and Silber. I will print a second one and Rust it.

Great design, perfect tolerances (edited)