I copied a model for a folding laptop stand I saw online.
This model isn't perfect but... yeah it isn't perfect. It's still the first iteration, and I may make improvements and post an update later.
You need to print 1, 4, and 5 once as is, and once mirrored,
Print two of 3, then print two more mirrored,
Print one of 2
You will need short 3m screws to attach some of the parts, but some of them just clip into place.
You may want to scale everything up a bit depending on the size of your laptop.
Once again this model was more to test my modeling abilities than to actually make a functional product, so don't expect it to work perfectly.
Filament: Overture PLA or PETG
Category: ComputerThe author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.