ESP32 Retro Weather Station

WiFi Weather Station with 8Bit Icons and SFX
updated January 27, 2020



I seem to be missing the settings.toml file. Where could I get it? Thank you!

Great design and easy to put together, really nice as a first electronics project.

Now I’ll try to modify the python code to have som more features! (edited)

Thanks for sharing this amazing design and the source files to make it. I modified it from the original one to fit different set of components: ESP32 Lolin32 Lite, a 3.5" LCD, lipo battery , KY-040 Rotary Encoder and Metal Push Button.

This was a very easy, very fun project. I haven't really done anything with the code as of yet, but the printing and assembly were a hoot. Not to mention now I have a small screen below my big screen and if that's not the future, friends, I don't know what is.

Now I suppose I should crack into the code to make sure I mess it up good and proper. Although I suppose that's the best part, replacing my hamfisted mangling of the code is super easy as it's just drag-and-drop.

Honestly, the first thing I'm going to attempt is toning down that external speaker. Hoo-wee that thing startled the bujeezus out of me when it went off the first time. (edited)

Thank you for sharing your make! Glad you had fun =]

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