Spray can straw holder

I chanced upon this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5354341 and was impressed with by the simple design. I have a…
updated May 2, 2023



Update 9 Apr 2023: Add enlarged straw hole version (+0.2mm diameter). I have not tested printing this, will do so and update if issues are observed.


I chanced upon this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5354341 and was impressed with the simple design. I have a few WD-40 and other spray cans with straws, tried it and it works!

I had some initial difficulty inserting the straw into the hole, it eventually went in.

And so I did some design changes to improve the straw insertion.

I had the hole for the straw elongated along a slant surface with a chamfer to guide the straw in easier.

I did it for the 360ml (65.5mm) and 250ml (52.5mm) can sizes.

It seems better to me, hope others feel the same.


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Model origin

The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.

WD-40 400ml TPU straw holder v2
by Flowr (thingiverse.com)
