An Archimedes trammel, which does literally nothing but looks cool I guess. Also fun to play around with. Makes a good desk toy.
0.2 mm
Filament: SUNLU PLA+ Black and Yellow
Print the pin at 85% in x and y directions and 100% in z direction. I may eventually resize the pin so it can be printed at 100% but for now, reduce the size, but only in the x and y directions.
Supports are only needed for the base plate under the ledges. I raised the infill for the sliding blocks to 20% and the pin to 50%. 0.2mm layer height is recommended for quicker printing but I reduced the layer height to 0.16 for the pin.
You can use any color you want for all the parts I chose fully black with yellow slide blocks.
Printed on an Ender 3 v2.
To Assemble:
Attach the crank knob to the crank arm with a screw. It is designed to use a 10-24 screw, however, I just used a random unknown screw I had laying around. Any screw that clears the hole in the crank knob and screws into the crank arm will work. There are no threads in this design, I used a self-tapping screw to screw it in. Then, screw the crank arm to the screw slide block. It is designed to use a 12-24 screw, but everything said about the first screw applies to the second one. Then, slide the screw slide block with the crank arm and crank knob attached into one of the channels in the base plate. Then, slide the pin slide block into the other channel perpendicular to the channel with the screw slide block in it. Then, line up the hole in the pin slide block with the middle hole in the crank arm and slide the pin through both of the holes.
Reference the picture for which screw goes into what hole.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.