Space Base Organizer (+Shy Pluto Expansion)(Possible Spoilers)

3D model organizer for the base boardgame of Space Base. This insert will also hold the expansion Shy Pluto
updated April 28, 2022



This is an organizer that I created based off of another design but with some necessary changes for my own use.

Now the tolerances for the game boards are not that tight, but I am fine with how they hold. This is easily something that could be improved.

First change is with the largest print. There are 2 versions of this. My group is 95% of the time a 3 player group. So I have no need for the other 2 boards most of the time. I have raised the card storage and allowed for a cavity below this print to store 2 of the boards so I do not have to get them out each time. There is also a 5 player version where this is not accounted for. 

Second change comes to the storage boxes for tokens and dice. I do not like it when these boxes bottom out to the full depth of the game box, so not needing the entire height, I put enough room to store them, but to not have to cut your finger to get them out. 

Last change is with the bagged items and acrylic resource track. I had to make this tall enough to let me stand them vertically or lay them down with enough room for the bag.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
