This design requires soldering skills as well as basic knowledge of electrical wiring and handling of LiPo batteries.
If you want to build this, please make sure you know what you are doing. Please figure out wiring for yourself.
The enclosure has wiring cutouts and holes to connect the Batterie to the charging circuit, the charging circuit to the Boost circuit and the boost circuit to the 120mm fan.
Also grooves are included for zipties and a small hole is included to access the potentiometer screw of the boost circuit to ajust the rpm of the fan (small flathead screwdriver needed).
There are two versions:
One is flat and has no mounting point for the switch, the second has a latch to mount the powerswitch.
My usecase is primarily for sucking away soldering fumes, but it has its moments on hot summer days as well.
The fusion 360 models are also included, so you can adjust to your needs.
1x 18650 batterie
1x old 120mm fan
1x charging circuit (search for “TP4056 18650 usb c carging board” on ebay)
1x boost circuit ("MT3608 2A DC-DC Step-Up Boost Converter" on ebay)
1x power switch ø6mm
2x M1,5 x 5 screws to secure the charging circut (or hotglue, if you are the hotglue type)
v00 initial upload
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.