Phone Holder, smooth tilt adjustment, prints in place

Phone holder with an angle adjustment knob allowing for fine control of tilt. Prints in place, no supports.
In the contest Phone and Tablet Stands
34 k
116 k
updated September 4, 2022



Phone holder allows for fine control of tilt.  Probably overkill for some uses, but think this might be useful for video chat or work conferences where you want to get the camera angle just right.  

Link to adjustment demo GIF:

Updated model printed in white added to pictures; file: “phone holder latest”, this is the version I most recommend. –  Another update, phone holder_clean has no text on top side for cleaner print.

Print vertically on side with adjustment knob away from build plate.  Example printed with .2mm layer, 15% infill.  Recommend 6 mm brim ears with detection radius >10mm so gears don't get ears if using SuperSlicer.  For PrusaSlicer you can add helper disks, just avoid overlaying gear teeth.  How to for helper disks : 

 A little PTFE lube helps it run smoother



Awarded in the contest

Phone and Tablet Stands
420 entries | April 15 – April 24, 2022

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
