This is a modification to a STINGER brand, Model UV801 By DJ Corporation
B8080 Insect Electrocuter V7SV, 117Vac60 MZ100W Lamp UV Bug Light.
I made this modification because the bulbs were so expensive.
It is recommended that you have electrical knowledge or someone that does to convert this project.
Remove top of bug zapper, removing appropriate screws.
Mark wiring as Line, Neutral, and Ground on existing cord and transformer.
You have to remove the existing electrical components for the Fluorescent only (Bulbs/Starters)
Items needed:
Printed part
5 Volt waterproof UV LED strip Example Waterproof Strip Only
20 gauge wire 2 colors Example
12 gauge SO wire 3 colors Example
120VAC/5VDC Wall Wort(WW) at 3Amps
120VAC Female plug Example
120VAC Dusk/Dawn sensor(D/D sensor) Example
Tie Wraps Example
Connector for AC 1 required (Line to D/D sensor) Example
Connectors for DC 2 required Example
Connector for AC 3 required Example
Strip insulation as needed for each connection.
Prepare female plug with SO wire 6 inches long
Prepare UV LED strips with 12 inches of wire each. Soldering red to positive, black to negative.
Prepare Wall Wort. Measure and cut wiring 12 inches long from the output to leave a tail of wire.
Connect line of AC from existing cord to input of Dusk/Dawn sensor..
Connect output of D/D sensor to input of existing transformer and to line side of female plug using 2 pin connector
Connect neutral of AC from existing cord to neutral of D/D sensor, neutral of transformer and to neutral side of female plug using 4 pin connector
Connect ground of AC from existing cord, female plug, and transformer using 4 pin connector
Drill appropriate size hole in top for D/D sensor. Install sensor at end of instructions.
Push each LED strip wiring through slot hole of printed part, then adhere strip into place (LED strip has adhesive backing)
Install part into zapper base, pull wiring through top center section.
Connect positive output of WW to the red wires of the LED strips using 8 pin connector
Connect negative output of WW to the black wires of the LED strips using 8 pin connector
Plug WW into new female plug.
Install D/D sensor into the top.
Tie Wrap wiring cleanly.
Using a few tie wraps series together, fasten WW away from transformer so it doesn't slide around. Drill holes if necessary, note clearing wire grid beneath (electro screen)
Re install top, plug in and test by covering sensor.
Hopefully I've covered all the steps. Feel free to ask questions.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.