screw on case for Raspberry Pi 4

This case is the second version of a case you can screw to the back of your i3. I use it to Connect Octoprint.
updated April 23, 2022



This case is the second version of a case you can screw to the back of your i3 MK3s. 

  • You need 2 screws with 10mm to fix the case to the printer.
  • 4 Screws are needed for the Raspberry Pi (But the Screws slow in because the walls are a bit thin)
  • 4 seperate screws are needed for the outer case on of them should be 20mm long to reach the buttom.
  • The Screws for the Raspberry tend to look outside if you but it to much in.

I know that there some things to make better. Like the hole on the buttom left. But if you have any suggestions to make it better pls. reach out to me.

I print it in Extrudr Green Tec in standard settings. Why ? For me it is one of the best looking Filaments it is food save and Stabel offer 100°C so you also can but it in the dishwasher ;) and is great for heated enviroments.

Best Regards 



Model origin

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