Steam Deck Clip On Stand

Compact removable clip-on stand for the Steam Deck to allow table top gaming on the go!
3h 36m
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
33.00 g
24 k
updated April 10, 2022




While I was lucky and received my Steam Deck quite early, there was one major problem: I wanted to play the Deck in tabletop mode like a Nintendo Switch. Because of this I created a detachable stand that allows my friends and I to play games while out an about. The best part is you can easily remove the stand so the Steam Deck fits in it's carrying case!

I modeled this from the official Steam Deck CAD files 


  • A compact detachable stand that allows for tabletop gaming with a flap that snaps into place to support handheld gaming as well
  • Registration marks that align with the screw holes on the back of the Deck to ensure it's in the correct place every time
  • Ample space around the intake and exhaust vents to not block airflow
  • Does not scratch the deck, or at least hasn't scratched mine yet and I have taken it off and put it on dozens of times

Part list

Print Settings and Notes

  • Printing the body with the brim can help, but not necessary if you have a well calibrated printer and good adhesion with the build plate
  • If you print with a brim, it does require some post processing removing the brim with an X-Acto knife and light sanding
  • Refer to pictures for print orientation
  • 0.2 mm layer height or an even multiple of 0.2 mm
  • No supports


  • 4/11/22 - I have added a stand without a mount for anyone that would like to remix the part
  • 4/12/22 - I have added STL versions of the files


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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