Terminal for SSD1306 1.3" OLED and Wemos D1 Mini *NEW* Double Screen

Housing for SSD1306/SSH11 1.3" OLED display and a Wemos D1 Mini. Suitable for IOT MQTT Software like ESP Easy or Tasmota
updated March 30, 2023



Display housing for SSD1306/SSH1106 1.3" OLED display and Wemos D1 Mini. There are many use cases like Octoprint Display, Tasmota or ESP Easy to name just a few - you may need to follow the respective guides and instructions online. I use it to display MQTT data from my Smart Home like PV readings or from Temperature sensors. What you see is ESP Easy (Let's control it). The display needs some hot glue to be fixed into the SSD Frame. The Wemos should fit in with header pins or soldered. I use it unsoldered only some jumper wires with this neat printable breadboard: https://www.printables.com/de/model/36282-mini-breadboard-for-wemos-d1-mini

Esp Easy: https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page


Tasmota: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/

Octoprint Monitor: https://github.com/Qrome/printer-monitor

Update: STEP file added (Jan. 2023)

Update: (Mar. 2023)

NEW Double Screen Version and Updated Single Screen Version 3MF and Step included

IMPORTANT: Usually SSD1306/SSH1106 Displays come with a fixed IIC/I2C adress 0x3C to use two displays with only one Wemos D1 Mini you need another display with changeable adress to 0x3D. Do not do this if you are not skilled in soldering as it is necessary to move a very tiny resistor. Before you burn the display use another wemos instead, this may come cheaper in the end ;-)

*New tray for the Wemos D1 Mini - I suggest soldering the slot contacts to the board
The tray is an optional print but keeps everything in place.

*New tray for Micro Breadboard 55 (20x30mm)

I really like to recommend this display clip: https://www.printables.com/de/model/381066-display-clip-for-oled-terminal by steve




Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
