Surker / Wahl Hair Clipper Guards #1 - #12

Clipper guards, sizes #2-#12, compatible with Surker & Wahl hair clippers (or any Wahl-compatible clippers)
updated March 29, 2022



I modeled these after the clipper guards that came with my Surker hair clippers. Mine only came with sizes up to #4, and I wanted more options!

These should also be Wahl-compatible, though I can't confirm since I don't have a Wahl. Size labels are in metric – if you need imperial feel free to download and update the CAD file.


I was able to print these without supports, however your results may vary (overhang angle is 70°). PLA or ABS is recommended (PETG will probably be too fragile). I printed mine in PLA at 0.2mm layer height. 

The bottom of the “fins” are tapered to 1mm, and there's not much surface contact with the bed, so adhesion is key. I was able to print with a bit of stick glue, but you might need try adding brims if that doesn't work.

CAD File

I've also included the FreeCAD source file in case anyone needs to modify the design for their clippers. To change the guard size in the FreeCAD file, simply open the parameters sheet, and change the guard #. The guard length is calculated automatically based on the Wahl standard guard sizes. If you want a custom non-standard length, just override the formula for the guard length.

Note: I highly recommend using realthunder's fork of FreeCAD, otherwise things easily break when you change parameters.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
