Extrude (almost) anything Ryobi attachment for 1litre and 600ml PET bottle
updated March 28, 2022



When extruding thicker materials the previous design could break.   This is beefed up front end.  Printing now.  Will update design page once printed and tested.   Plan is to go for world record potato chip

UTC: 11:47 28 march 2022 Update.  Tried to force super hard potato through this design and now back end broke after about 1m of extrusion.  Need to update design to way beefier…standby

UTC 10:48 29 March update.  Designed beefier back end and longer (to fit full 1 litre bottle) but had to cut into 6 pieces to fit on bed.  Oddly it was way worse….now the whole bottle is collapsing after a few feet of extrusion….need to have a rethink and go back to the 600ml version as that worked well.

Time UTC 11:44 30 March update.  Thinking day.   Decided best approach is go 600ml (beefed up) for current design and the `1 litre needs to be held at bottom of bottle so needs some kind of mech to hold bottle at base.

Time UTC 11:41 1st April update.  Got distracted by that life stuff.  Only managed to redesign a mega solid 600ml extruder adapter and print it….not assembled or tested though.  Have completely redesigned the 1 litre version in my head and now need to make it come real.  

Time UTC 4:46 2nd April Update - Modified the 600ml to make far stronger and printed…successfully extruded pure potato mixed with cornflour/rice flour (no egg) into fryer to create about 100 inch fry.   According to family taste was not as good as with egg or breadcrumbs added.




Model origin

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