Filament Guide Tube

A Less Angularly Restrictive Filament Guide Tube for a LACK Enclosure
2h 59m
1× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
20.00 g
updated March 26, 2022



I wanted to produce a filament guide tube for my LACK enclosure that allowed more angular freedom for the filament. Especially when printing tall models.

To achieve this the hole you cut in the top of the LACK enclosure needs to be 25mm. A Fostner bit works well here. Secure with Epoxy. The washer on the bottom is just to tidy it up. If you cut two parallel holes perfectly you wont need it.

I also put two of these as close to the center of the lateral traverse of the extruder as possible. So the axis of my filament spools is front to back rather than side to side.

I notice that people often use three plain guide tubes and space them across the table by 100mm or more. The filament from the two outer ones has to bend a lot to get to the extruder, especially at high Z. With these high angularity guide tubes this problem is reduced slightly.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
