Fits in the project Glowing LED and WLED all alphabet letters and all numbers 10 cm high.
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Shopping list for use with WS2812B leds
WS2812B RGBW Led (AliExpress) (Not the RGB. The RGBW W is for cool white)
Wemos D1 Mini V3.0.0 (AliExpress)
Wire thin 28AWG (AliExpress)
Black Filament - Sunlu Black
Warm white Filament – E-Sun white-B (Not Snowwhite)
Solder tin
5 Volt usb micro adapter
Print Hello Kitty in black or other non-translucent color.
Diffuser warm white or white, for example, Esun white-b.
Print only the parts that you need.
Put some glue on de edge of the lens, and place the lens in the letter press firmly.
If there is a mistake let me know and I fix it.
For questions send me a message. I would like to help you make this beautiful project ;-)
Programming the Wemos
its very simple, look here:
Metthod 3: ESP Home Flasher tool
Link to the flasher:
Link to the bin file:
Open the ESPHome-Flasher-1.4.0-Windows-x64.exe
1. Choose the comport that your WEMOS is on
2. Browse in the flasher to WLED_****.bin
3. Click on Flash Esp
Thats it
If you don't want to use the WS2812B, you can also use a normal diffused 5 mm LEDs.
An adapter is included for this.
In my previous project there are pictures about the LEDs and the connections:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.