I've created nameplate labels for Season 3 (and promos) matching the original formatting to the best of my ability (some of these bad boys have long names, and so anything with a parentheses was pushed to a second line).
I'm not sure if it's allowed to post a link here, but this is to my personal Dropbox where the file exists in InDesign, PDF, and PNG formats. If anyone wants to edit/make their own the font used appears to be American Captain on DaFont.
Link to get the files. Feel free to use them in any remixes of your own as well.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z2aashmfy2t2haz62a9ov/AIwvbnwadaOSygHZbVqSNp0?rlkey=ikw4t5d5vv0r52i20xoidwj31&dl=0 (edited)