Plastic concept of the (redacted)ball Tools "little" Squares.
updated March 21, 2022



I wanted to get a feel for the Minion Square sold by Fireball Tool so I drew one a close as I can tell from the pictures and available measurements.

Probably the best useless curio I have printed to date. Trying to use this in place of the real thing will result in it becoming a puddle of burning plastic, please don't try it, use it as a book end or something and buy a real set.

Like perfect minions, these squares are compact, come in sets, and are ready to hold your work when summoned.

These squares come in a compact configuration for use in tight spaces. Each square measures 6" x 4" x 1.5", the 4" width is perfect for picket spacing on gates and fences. They are the first square we offer which has a built in 60/30 degree angle. The cutout also provides just the right amount of joint access when using it to clamp things at 90 degrees.

Bosses on the square allow mounting of tabs to both sides of the tool.


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The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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