Thank you very much! I love your work. I destroyed 2 during my move and I wasn't able to use them so far. You made my day :-)
Thank you very much! I love your work. I destroyed 2 during my move and I wasn't able to use them so far. You made my day :-)
great print for some panels I got from eBay. Wiring is a bit strange and hard but they work great
Printed on voron with .15 layer height and .4 nozzle, in microcenter abs. had to drill the holes but they worked in the end. Replaced 9 missing links. Thanks (edited)
what were your print settings, i've printed about 10 so far but i can't get my wires to fit lol. using ABS, i think i need to find some 25 awg wire instead of 23 but all i have that size is twisted instead of solid. Will post a pic if i get it made tho
@FirstLast I came here for the cables old lan cables, I don't know which awg they have, I think itwas 22 or 23
Thank you i have the same problem after a move and thought id check before i modeled them. Bless you!