E.M.M.I. (Metroid Dread)

New articulated figure from the Metroid series, this time it is the titular EMMI boss from Metroid Dread!
updated December 8, 2023



Everything fit together very snuggly, great model! Really appreciate the work that went into designing this.

very cool. Currently experimenting with adding rubber to some of the looser joints to make it more posable.

currently in the process of printing and putting this guy together. The engineering for your models is insane, kudos to you my man. The only thing I've changed is printing the head in silver instead of black to make it more like the in game model

A menace to my younger cousins who choose to visit my CNC kitchen. (there afraid of it)

If I print all the group files, will that be all I need to build the model?

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Thank you so much. Is it all the arm groups because I'm doing all the white parts now. Thank for the hard work.

@ToDamLazy_28791 I only updated the two arm groups with black pieces (Left and Right), everything else is the same as it was.

In Jan. I was bored, thought I love the original so much why not make it bigger? And, well here it is. 407.62% bigger. I have never done anything of this size before, so it was adventure ....I will not do again, LOL. When I get a bigger place, I will move him to all fours, for now he lives behind my desk. He's not perfect but I'm happy with how it turned out. I did decide to use tubes and liquid, instead of printing the waste cables and love the results. Enjoy and THANK YOU for the design.

@JackJackParr_1378576 LMAO, this is fantastic, great work! Just make sure to never give it a Central Unit, its starting to look a little too close to the real thing 😨 (edited)

Just to clarify, do the "group" stl collections already contain the required mirrored parts?

@Adam_17776 Hi, yes, the few groups that contain both right and left pieces have them mirrored.

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@MyroslavGutsu_349781 Yeah, they can be quite fragile, the worst should be over tho, no other piece is this flimsy.

@Ddd87 oh, good. I just need to make two more fingers and I accidently made one upside down. whoops!

Really cool model, love that the parts are separated by color, and the moving pistons in the limbs! Printing wasn't too bad; needed lots of support, but reasonable given the nature of the parts. I printed in PLA and assembly was actually quite tough, because most of the pins felt really stiff. Despite this, the fit of the joints of the final model were quite loose, so you you do need some rigid stands/supports in order to pose it well. Still an awesome design though! (edited)

Do you have instructions of how to build this marvelous creation?

@MyroslavGutsu_349781 Ive provided with some images to show how to assemble this (scroll to the end of the image gallery). For the most part, there is nothing "unintuitive", everything just snaps or slides into place with a little pressure. Any particular part that gives you trouble, just ask me and I'll see what can I do to help.

Finally done! I went with the 170% (chapstick tube on the left for scale), but realized pretty late that you had the "large" files for electronics, so it's not glow-y unless I decide to sink another 24 hours into reprinting the body and stuff.

Just one pic for now, until I can get it 100% cleaned up and posed all cool-like.

Thanks SO MUCH for putting this here for folks like me to print. Finding this made my month.

@rouletiquette_309578 Thanks for the appreciation! Sorry about the lights, I could add a comment or something to the files to differentiate them further.