401E (OZ8), DIN 6388A Found in spindles/routers from Kress, AMB, Isel, Mafell, Stepcraft Each position will accept collets with or without nut attached (tested with Kress/AMB nuts) A short type 17mm-spanner will fit into the second row
Options to mount/store:
screwed to vertical surface
screwed to horizontal surface
stored in a Sortimo/Auer insert box system; size 3x1x1 units (not stackable)
mounted to an industrial pegboard (at a later date - work in progress)
Prints well in ABS/ASA and PETG - the light grey one in the pictures is made from PETG; the darker from ASA
support geometry necessary? Mine were without
feet are pressed and glued, and are only necessary for the insert box system
two-tone printing for better readability of collet sizes, but not a must