Bear Linear Rail Y Axis Modification

Bear Linear Rail Axis Modification
updated September 25, 2022



This design allows for quieter operation, but also significantly improves stability and rigidity of the y axis. For a double linear rail design, it is important to not over constrain the carriage in order to allow for smooth operation. The design was inspired/remixed from JuanPuchol on Thingiverse and the Rail Holder is a slight modification from Chris Warkocki on GitHub. Be sure to take a look at their respective designs. They work really great as well.

When assembling, please follow these instructions:

  1. Attach Rails to VSlot Extrusions
  2. Put Bearings on Rail and Screw in the Spacers with Countersunk screws
  3. Put on the Y Carriage and Screw in final screws
  4. Place Extrusions and Y carriage assembly into the frame and align with the aligner.
  5. I suggest putting on the Rail Holders first and then screwing on the angle corners afterwards

Parts Needed:

2 x V-Slot Aluminum Extrusion (330mm)
2 x Linear Rail (350mm - C)
3 x MGN12C Blockz
6 x M3 12mm
6 x M3 6mm Countersunk Head

10 x M3 5mm (Users have found that 8mm works better)
10 x M3 T-Nuts

8 x M5 8mm (Users have found that 12mm works better)
8 x M5 T-Nuts

Prusa Bear Printer Design by gregsaun

Rail Holder Design - Small Modification from Chris Warcocki design 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
