NEJE 30W/40W air-assist nozzle

Air-assist nozzle for the NEJE 30W and 40W "new style" laser modules with the amber/red window.
updated February 26, 2022



This is a printed air-assist nozzle for the NEJE 30W and 40W "new style" laser modules with the amber/red window. Simply replace the window with the nozzle part and insure the lens assembly is properly fitted into the cone. Attach a 6mm OD air-line from a ball-valve and compressor to provide air-assist coaxial with the beam.

The "r3"-version accepts 3/8"OD / 1/4"ID vinyl tubing from the big-box store.

Note: The Neje “40W” laser module focuses 20mm - 22mm below the bottom edge of the aluminum housing normally. This nozzle design extends 15mm below the housing so there should be a 5mm - 7mm gap between the surface of the material and tip of the nozzle when focused of the surface of the material. I don't cut material thicknesses greater than 5-6mm and prefer to focus on the surface of the material most times. If you are one of “those people” who feel that the focus should be in the center of thick material when cutting please know that this gap will be less than 5mm and there is the distinct possibility that the nozzle tip may be damaged from the heat of cutting. The nozzle is easily shortened in the Onshape design files if necessary. 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
