With the Buddy Bottle Opener you can enjoy the all the visually pleasing aspects of Joseph Prusa's Pug Buddy, while adding the ability to open your favorite bottled drink.
The Buddy Bottle Opener is a simple remix of the Joseph Prusa Pug Buddy that stands a little over 3.11in(78.99mm) tall and allows you to open a standard bottle. The base of the print has a 1.19in(30.23mm) diameter hole that is 0.50in(12.70mm) deep. There is a slot made for a penny that positions it 0.15in(3.81mm) from the base such that it sticks out 0.25in(6.35mm) into the hole. The penny is inserted during a pause in the print, but can be done after the fact. The model was strengthened by doubling the perimeter count from 2 to 4. The infill was set at 15% with a Gyroid pattern.
The pictures below show the penny insertion at the 38minute mark, how the printer covers it up and what the underside looks like.
In practice, I do not have a lot of experience with bottle openers, so I used this as an excuse to purchase some bottled root beer and I have tested out this print and some earlier versions. All the versions I have uploaded work, but I have chosen to to publish the cleanest one today (2/26/2022). The history section below goes into some details of my struggles and learning experience.
This is the first model I created using a high poly count mesh file like “budy.stl”. I first tried using Fusion 360 and turning it into an object, and found that to be very very slow. So I ended up using Blender to do the hole cutting, and resizing and Fusion 360 to export the *.3mf files. It took me three attempts but eventually I made a successful print and posted it on 2/25/2022.
After forcing a penny into the slot with needle nose pliers I decided to try my first pause print, and quickly found out that the penny would not fit this way, but a dime would. After looking into my calculations I found I had made a typo of 0.015mm instead of 0.15mm. So, I corrected this and modified the slot such that a penny with the dimensions of 0.75in(19.05mm) and 0.055in(1.40mm) thickness were given a margin of 0.3mm (0.15mm X 2).
Over all, I really enjoyed making this and hope others enjoy it as well.
I believe the current model is in a very usable state, but I am always interested in how to improve and optimize any design. Time and use of this model will be the best metric, and I would be happy to make improvements.
The author remixed this model.