The Blooming Gift Box -V1

A fun gift with a neat trick, all the drawers open at once like a blooming flower .
3h 41m
16× print file
0.20 mm
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
44.00 g
In the contest Valentines
updated February 5, 2022




Designed to print fast and look good this simple mechanical jewelry/candy/gift box adds a little flair to your gift by having all the drawers open at once by sliding a hidden lever.


As always I will promote and REWARD the first people to post quality makes (must enable “Donate” option on your profile for reward). A quality make is a successful, complete, hopefully decent looking print at 100% scale.


What do you need to print?

To make this gift box you only need to print 6 files: 

  • Top                         (Three options to choose from…. more to come!)
  • Drawers
  • Middle
  • Spinning mech
  •  Pegs
  •  Bottom

Watch the instructional video below for assembly tips.


Top Options:

There are a few fun options for the top, shown below,  to give your box some added flair.





                            -Additional designs and personalization available upon request.



Pre-Sliced Files:

For your convenience I have provided pre-sliced files  for both Petg, and Pla, Settings are fairly conservative in the pre-sliced files as I was not trying to make quick prints but quality ones, using mostly stock settings from Prusa slicer, A.k.a. I am not trying anything crazy or weird in these settings that you should worry about.


Prusa Slicer specific 3MF files:

I have included 3mf files for those that wish to determine their own settings, these include special modifiers for things like area specific ironing, additional perimeters where needed, painted seams, color change a certain layer heights ect., You can of course disable and change these changes I have just provided what I found to work best in my testing. If you find a better way to print these please share to help out others.

Basic STLs:

For those that do not use Prusa Slicer (Gasp!)  I have included some basic STLs, these will not include things like area specific ironing, additional perimeters where needed, painted seams, color change a certain layer heights ect.. They will also not have the decorative top options shown in the photos as those only work in Prusa slicer at this time.

How quick can I print a box?

I designed these with speed in mind for FDM, and every part is design to advantage of the strengths of 3d printers. That's why walls are mostly vertical, there are no overhangs, no supports needed, no subtle curves that would show layer lines , these will look the same with a standard .4 nozzle as they look with a .6 (given the same layer height) and be done around ⅔ quicker. 

So if your goal is to print one of these fast, load a .6 nozzle .35 layer height, standard slicer settings, on the MK3S+  and you will have all the parts you need in about 8 hours 20 minutes. keep in mind that's with standard Prusa slicer settings, With some tweaking you can get it down to the  6 hour mark or even lower, but experiment with speed at your own risk. If you find a faster way to print these please share your settings to help out others.

Resin SLA Printable?

Short answer…Yep!, the photo above shows one I was able to print on my Anycubic Mono X, no supports directly on the build plate, that said resin printers (in general) suck for mechanical assembly's or precise fitments. You need to tune your machine to make sure it outputs a print accurately, For me it worked best setting it square to the build plate, (no raft no supports strait on the plate) to help fight any warping, I know conventional wisdom tells you to “tilt everything on a resin printer 45 degrees ” but that is largely a myth (or at least very model dependent) and not the best practice for mechanical parts that need to fit accurately, or to be square.  You also need to avoid/compensate for elephants foot or you'll have some sanding to do. But it can be done, and it does look awesome!

Happy printing!!






Big thanks to Matt Boyer for providing some excellent tips to improve print quality of this model. Check out his page here: 



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