The aim of this design was to create a scalable 3d printing platform which uses what I consider to be the best available components. My requirements are:
• Scalable from large (XXL 400mm+ XY, 300mm+Z) size to monstrous (XXXL 650mm+XY, 1100mm+Z)
• Be 'enclosable'
• Have a choice of removable bed surfaces
• Quick change tooling
• Have a simple assembly, manageable by one person alone
• Be capable of creating very large, accurately sized, high strength parts in reasonable times
• Be able to print common materials such as PLA, PETG, ASA, ABS
• Have a low count of overall parts
• Use 'best of breed' parts where possible
• Design printed parts so that they can be produced on a 'normal' sized 3D printer
• Be as 'open source' as possible
I think for the most part I've managed to achieve the above, and have created a design which stands up to heavy use without breaking a sweat. Between the two machines I've created with this design, I've performed around 2000 hours printing so far, and they are outperforming my consumer printers in most areas on every print.
I wasn't able to upload Excel sheets here so the BOM is available here:!AiA0W_qYRT2Nhdtp-tNuQ4XVGAJnPQ which also documents suggested print settings.
Building these machines is a lot of fun and results in a very useful and reliable tool - and you usually get to win the 'who's printer is bigger?' conversation at your maker space!
Category: 3D Printers
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.