Nintendo Switch Game Case with Graphic Inlay (multi-material)

A remix of an existing switch case with a multi-color inlay. Also customize-able in OpenSCAD!
updated January 29, 2022



This is remixed from _endrift's Nintendo Switch game case on Thingiverse. Same great case, but with a graphic on the front!

This case for Nintendo Switch game cards is well-designed, and convenient to customize in openSCAD. But it was just asking for a multi-material remix with a cool inlayed cover graphic.

This thing is a collaboration with TeepsDeluxe. It's also available on Thingiverse.

Ready-to-Print Files

After a few iterations, we thought that a repeating tiled Switch logo would look pretty fun. From there, we ended up with two implementations:

  1. A large tiled design not tailored to any particular case size, where tiles are cut off on the edges ("Nintendo_Switch_Tiles_overflow.svg")
  2. Tiled design tailored specifically to a the aspect ratio of the case with a small margin, so there are no chopped tiles.

Included here are the STL files for a 3x2 case (holding 12 total game cards) with both graphic options ("overflow" and "sized"). If you want a different-sized case, just download the source files and export them from openSCAD! And of course, adding your own graphic should be relatively painless as well (see instructions below).

Note: The STL and 3MF files included here are set up for multi-material printing. If you want to do a single-color print, you can just print the main body of the part and end up with a recessed graphic.

Customizing the graphic:

It turns out that you can import and extrude SVG or DXF files in openSCAD!

Download files

Note: Prusa Printers won't let me upload the complete OpenSCAD project as a zip. To download it, find the ZIP file in the Thingiverse version.

  1. Download the source files ("") and extract them.

Create your graphic

  1. Create your design using a vector editor (like Illustrator or Inkscape)
  2. Center your graphic and measure the dimensions (in mm) inside your editor (see attached picture for details)
  3. Save an SVG or DXF file into the folder with all the source files in it.

Set up your design in openSCAD

  1. Open "switchcase.scad", select a preset, and expand all the parameter groups.
  2. Replace the "logo file" parameter with the filename of your graphic.
  3. Update the dimensions of your graphic in the "logo height" and "logo width" parameters.
  4. Adjust the cut depth. We have found that ~0.6 mm is good.
  5. Adjust the margin (used when auto-fitting the graphic)
  6. Decide how the logo should be auto-scaled. "To Height" fits top-to-bottom, "To Width" fits left-to-right, and "Overflow" uses the default size from the graphic file.

Export STLs
You need 2 STLs for the multi-material version of this design. The main body (with cutout for the inlay), and the inlay itself.

  1. To export the main part, uncheck "inlay only", then preview, render, and export the STL (be sure to add some suffix like "main" to the filename).
  2. To export just the inlay, check "inlay only", then preview, render, and export the STL (be sure to add some suffix like "inlay" to the filename)
  3. Note: Rendering will take a while (on the order of several minutes) if you have a complex graphic.

Set up up your multi-material print
If you use PrusaSlicer and your printer is multi-color capable, just import both STL files together and you'll be asked whether they belong to one multi-material file. Otherwise, you will have to manually configure a few filament changes to get this working. See the attached 3MF files for reference.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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