A fidget spinner remix of the "Perfect gear bearing" by Gamma4D. With/without added M10 nut as weights in the branches.
3h 24m
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
28.00 g
updated January 28, 2022



This model taught me to pause printing, put stuff in and then continue printing - thanks for the tutorial link in the product description.

It seems that my slicing conditions are not reflected.
In my print, the gears have zero infill.

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@Dao_143567 For four reasons:
1. To reduce print time.
The infill pattern has significant complexity and takes more than twice the printing time. Therefore, it is appropriate to remove the infill.
2. To allign center of gravity.
Eliminating the infill is appropriate because the infill is not controlled to have a precise center.
3. To save Cost.
Less Infill = Lighter Weight = Less Cost
4. To reduce print difficulty.
The in-fill pattern makes the exterior walls protrude slightly structurally. This prevents providing adequate tolerances, so eliminating the infill is appropriate to reduce print difficulty.

Ok will try with 0% infill, just a bit worried as my remix of your design has more bridging required.

Regular size (100 %) and smaller (82 %) for smaller nut (M8) (edited)

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