Interchangeable Labels for Your Gridfinity Bins To be Placed on Side of bin.
Interchangeable Labels For Those Without AMS and want to Print a label for the side of Bin Not just The top.
Im providing blank labels You will only need to use your favorite program to emboss text Or even an .SVG get Creative! (I like to use a 1.5mm height for embossing and also apply ironing to Top most surface) (I also change my sold internal infill to 90degrees to match layers lines to the bins)
This will allow you to print a whole bed of labels quickly and efficiently with only needing to make a filament swap once for your text.
Bins Files will be named in the format of Bin3x4x5.stl With 3 being rows 4 being columns and 5 being height.
Labels Will be named for Columns and/or rows its made for and second number being height. i.e LABEL2x4.stl (label that will fit a bin with 2 columns and a height of 4u(28mm)
So for a bin with 2 columns and a height of 5u download LABEL2X5.STL For a Bin with 1 Column and height of 6u Download LABEL1x6.stl
Will Create Bins as Time Permits (Check Back Often)
Hope You Find Use for These labels !
This helping you with any project you might be working on is good enough for me
but, If you are so inclined Im planning a wedding and any little bit helps! To make her Dream Come True!
If You would Like to Make your own Bins You can use one of the .stl file under label folder named labelnegativespace.stl Turn it into a Hole and apply To your own Bin. Bin must have wall Thickness of 3mm
The author remixed this model.
Seems like the Original Gridfinity Master collection was deleted
Shout out to the Original Creator Zach Freedman
Not Sure If Model I listed in The Creator Or not So all Credit Goes To Zach
Change From Original Model Added a Slot Where 3d printed labels can be slid in