A great print for Valentine's Day! The uploaded models of the bracelet have two sizes:
You can remix the model to add more links or change the heart to a different shape in the Tinkercad file, available here: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/jwJag9bzftI
I found the moving parts (links bending and hearts rotating) worked easily straight off of the print bed with almost no pressure required, but different filaments (all PLA) responded a bit differently, with some sticking a bit more than others.
I printed this model at 0.1 mm layer height, with 20% infill and all the default slicer settings. I wouldn't make the layers any thicker than 0.1mm that for a print with such small detail. It may be worth trying smaller layers if your moving parts stick together. Because it's a flat print that covers a large area, good adhesion is important. A layer of glue stick on the print bed worked well, but be careful when detaching the print not to pull too hard on the joints. I found that bending each link up one at a time loosened the next link in the chain.
The model with the self-closing clasp can be worn as is, straight off the print bed , or you can print the model with magnetic closure, which is easier to fasten with one hand. The magnetic clasp requires the hardware listed below.
See images for details of attaching the magnets. The M2 nuts drop into the vertical slots on top of the clasp halves, and the screw secures the magnet into the round depression in the front of each clasp half.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.