Drainage plate (multiple sizes)

A nice drainage plate for your flower pots
updated January 17, 2022



For the stripes to be exactly as in the photo set color swaps at Z = 15mm, 16.6mm, 19.4mm and 21mm (This is correct for all the models with h=25 the rest I haven't printed yet)
There's a groove at the bottom for filament to be pushed into, to make the plate not stick to the ground as much. Use the accent color for extra flare ;)
I used PETG for its greater UV and temperature resistance. Mixing white and translucent colors works nicely, but feel free to experiment.

Other settings to note

  • Infill: 90% or Solid layers top: Many, like 12+
  • Perimeters: 8
  • Top surface pattern: Archimedean Chords
  • Ironing: off
  • Layer height: 0.2

Other thicknesses, diameters and heights can be requested, or you can remix the model yourself here in Onshape


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
