Mini Travel Catan!

A six inch version of the classic game, designed for life on the road.
updated March 16, 2025



After buying the official travel version of Catan a few years ago and being unsatisfied with the awkward setup, lack of setup versatility, and frustrating repacking process, I started noodling on my own version. My goals here were to create a version that would pack away neatly without anything moving when jostled, have the same setup versatility as regular Catan, and be as small or smaller than the official travel Catan. The overall hexagon is 6 inches from flat to flat.

I made some new fun player piece sets, loosely based off of Stargate SG-1 alien races because I'm a huge nerd. The only thing that the print files do not include are resource and development cards. I designed this to fit the official cards that I pilfered from the official version. Those cards are 1.25" x 1.75" (32 x 45mm) and are not available to buy. I had planned on making the artwork for custom printing (via or similar), but haven't had the time. If some intrepid artist felt like donating some time and effort to creating a set of card art that people could use to order from online card printers, that would be dope.

I printed all these parts on a Sovol SV06, mostly with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height. Some of the player pieces would benefit from a 0.2mm nozzle (the steampunk tower), and smaller layer heights, but not totally necessary.


*This is totally unaffiliated with official Catan. I'm just a fan of the game, sharing a personal passion project.


Update:  Nuno Morgado uploaded a remix with 3D printable resources and development cards. Check it out!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
