This mudguard integrates 3x5mm LEDs to make a tail light. You'll need some soldering and electronic skills.
The LEDs were soldered together in series and then potted in hot glue. The LEDs I used are rated at 2.1v for 35,000 mcd (link below) and seem to be very bright when viewed on centre. Off centre they're less bright. My ebike provides 5v to run lights and accessories, so any USB power source would work for this.
I printed in ASA-CF - hopefully it's durable enough. TPU or nylon would also be good choices.
I drilled small holes in the end to better match up with my frame.
The author remixed this model.
This is a remix of the design by v1cen7.
I added a small housing for 3 x 5mm LEDs and a hidden channel for the wire.