Finished prints better than the two enders that were put into it

Please upload the parts as STEP. Modding STL is notoriously difficult to modify, and I want to use Linear rails for my build.
Hey. First of all, I would like to point out that this is a great project, I plan to build it, I have two e3, rpi, linear guide mgn12c-L320 for the x-axis and a BMG/pancake clone with cr-touch. I am also eagerly awaiting the next version because I do not know much about CAD and I cannot make an extruder mounting plate and I would like to use as much equipment as possible. Best regards
I've been looking to make this and finally got myself some ender 3's :)
I'm curious how far I can come without drilling into the extrusions (won't be very precise with a regular drill). If I manage to build it I'll see if I can mod it to triple belted Z for true ABL
Does anyone has a really rough estimate of the total print time and required amount of filament?
@hello_2038313 That's good to know, thanks!!
I prefer the motion system on the inside of the frame for an easier enclosure, but I also want triple belted z. 1,5kg and 30 hours is not too bad, I'll build the frame first once the corners arrive and throw some old PLA in for the prints so I can design the mods :)
The Ender 3 NG is almost exactly where I want to go, but the extra parts are relatively expensive and I'd rather spend that on a Voron
@stefan131_283983 As far as I know, one kilogram should be enough.
Welcome to join the Discord server! Many people are already working on this project and are ready to help. I’m also there much more often than here.
Turns out you can print the corner brackets, pulleys, and even the belts
@hello_2038313 update: I finished! Homing works and the part I designed worked perfectly all i needed to cut was the two z rods with a file
@hello_2038313 Feel free to join the Discord server! Many people are already working on this project and are ready to help. I’m also there much more often than here.
whats the eta on the linear rail version. and betted z
Here is my duender build. Told you I would post it when I finished it on your YouTube video. Not quite done yet. Just doing the wiring.
@SergeiIrbene_2885771 the bracket is one of the first thing I will be replacing, it is still made out of PLA. I had to make 3 versions of the bracket to get it right. I also had to cut off the x-axis end stop tab from the stock sprite mount (which is still all there) I also moded most of the 3mm hardware holding the different pullies to be 5mm as that's the hardware I had.
I also plan on using a CHT or CHT clone for a nozzle. Don't currently have one.
What screw sizes do I need min-max length I want to buy a kit amd I have all the part just I am missing the right lengths of m3 screws
Really nice design.
Would it be possible to reuse the original Z-Axis Roller brackets instead of making those aluminum plates by rotating the beams or just cutting and drilling them to size or something?
@OgkThe_550604 nevermind, you still need one for mounting the bed
You know the plates you cut out of aluminum to hold the X-Axis beam to the Y-Axis beams? Could I upload that piece to JLCPCB and have it manufactured?
@LiamPulido_2751322 I haven’t tried it, but it should work. I plan to order parts from them for one of the upcoming versions when I want to make all the parts out of aluminum.I designed the plates for this project to be as simple as possible so they could be made even without CNC. It’s not easy, but definitely doable.
@SergeiIrbene_2885771 Thanks! I have wanted to build my own CoreXY for a while now (so I don't have to buy a bambu) that has an AMS. Will post a make!
Hi there mad respect from SA, can I make it using 2 ender 3 v2's?
@DylanAlexande_400994 Overall, yes, it’s possible. But there are some nuances with the Y-axis profiles. In the second video about this project, I showed the differences when assembling it from printers of other versions. If briefly, you either need to make slightly different Y-axis plates, or buy two 2040 profiles of the correct length, or wait a bit and build the linear rail version, where it won’t matter which printers were used as donors.