My Storyboard
This is how you’ll read it because in truth this is will be your Storyboard.
Let me explain. Depending on the success, I’m going to release a few themes. The idea is you can mix the frames and create your own storyboard.
I want the community to join this so leave a comment with suggestions or maybe even ideas/requests for stories(frames)
-Main Body
This will be you box to put the frames, choose colour carefully.
It’s an optional extra in case you need to change the colour of your background, instead of printing a new Main Body
There's no sequence to the frames, they can be put as you want to create your story.
-Main Body Profile
The main body profile will include the main box, the background, a box lid and an empty frame in case you don’t need 4 frames but want to keep all tight. The empty frame can also be used as a template to create new frames
-Theme Profile
Each will have its own name and this is where the 4 theme frames will be.
— Some frames are really fragile. I recommend using a texture plate and let it cool a bit before removing frame.---
-Available frames
Other Users theme
[Nothing yet]
I reserve the right to sell my designs in my PlaDreams stores even the ones coming from suggestions or requests
The author marked this model as their own original creation.