upper position is not that high, so it can fit also lower celing drawer (and use just 2 bottles)
stackable side by side
3 variants (see below)
the upper position can hold even larger bottle
if you have generally larger bottles, just scale it :)
total height: 15,7 cm
width: 7,5 cm (normal variant), or 8,1 cm (robust variant)
depth: 10,4 cm
bottle hole diameter: 7,2 cm
3 variants:
normal variant
less width (7,5 cm)
PLA, 7,5% infill
✅ easy print, no problem with 200% speed (so print time ~ 3h 30m)
✅ 0,3 mm DRAFT is good enough
🔝sufficient enough & saves the most space in fridge
robust variant
more width (8,1 cm)
PLA, 7,5% infill
✅ also easy print, 200% speed (so print time ~ 3h 30m)
✅ 0,3 mm DRAFT
robust variant with HONEYCOMB
stylish honeycombish ;)
width the same as robust (8,1 cm)
PLA, 5% infill
❗ possibly problematic print, recommending lower than 100% speed. So print time is really high, but little bit less filament consumption even on 0.2 QUALITY mode
note: I have printed hexa holes on normal variant + those hexa holes were bigger (this version is on the photo, and is not here mentioned)
meaning that hexa structure was really thin and it caused some problems with print ➡ so I have created robust variant for that and decreased hexa holes size, so the material structure is thicker, and it should be now less problematic