This are Multiple Upgrade Parts for your Dremel CNC by Nikodem Bartnik.
The original Nut in front of the Dremel doesn't fit on my build, cause the thread isn't long enough. So I designed a new nut to fix the Dremel and a tool to tighten it. The hex-hole on the back of the tool can fit a normal bit.
Other Parts needed:
2x M3 Nut
2x M3x16 Screw (any flat head, no countersunk)
Nut: PETG; 0,2mm; 3 perimeters; 40% Gyroid infill
Tool: PETG; 0,2mm; 4 perimeters; 30% Gyroid infill
To keep the wires organiced along the X-axis i designed a holder for a cable chain. I used the Igus, which they hand out as a giveaway on trade fairs or cheep to buy. The mounting brackets are printed, but I'm not allowed to share the files cause of the license. But you can download the CAD on the Igus webside (item number 03.05.12Z). The parts are glued to the axis with superglue.
Other Parts needed:
1x superglue
2x M3 Nut
2x M3x10 countersunk screw
All Parts: PETG, 0,2mm SPEED
For the Y-axis I used the igus cable chain. This is the wider version of the X-axis chain. They aren't handet out as a giveaway, so you need to buy it. (about 10€ with mounting brackets and shipping). On the mounting bracket you need to remove the pin and the strain relief. The moving holding bracket is glued to the axis, the fixed holding bracket and the guide rail are screwed to the base. Plase make sure that they are allined and the travelling distance is guaranteed. The strain relief on both sides is done with zip ties. To wire the cables to the mainboard I enclosed a cable duct. I also included a spacer to offset the mainboard holder, but you need to adjust the thicknes yourself in the slicer.
Other Parts needed:
1x superglue
1x M3 Nut
1x M2,5 Nut
1x M3x10 countersunk screw
1x M2,5x5 screw
10x 3,5x12 countersunk wood screw
All Parts: PETG, 0,2mm SPEED
In the front parts of the Y-Axis hlolder is a pocket were the dust can collect. To prevent this I made a cover. It's a friction fit and just slides in.
PETG, variable Layer hight, upright with support
A holder to loop and organize the other wires with 2,5x100mm zip ties. The version with the thin flap is designed to replace a M5 washer. The version with thick flap is designed to be mounted on the side of the profiles.
PETG, 0,15mm QUALITY with brim.
Just a normal endcap to cover the ends of the extrusions
If you want to carry your mill around and dont't want to let the cable chain slip out the slot I made a transport lock to slip on.
PLA/PETG; 0,2mm, SPEED, upright with support
If you want to power your Dremel-CNC via USB-C PD have a look at my upgrade here. It is way more comfortable to use a USB wall adapter instead of a chunky powwer supply.
The nut is a remix of ‘Dremel Circle Cutter (screw on)’ by ‘LB’ puplished on prusaprinters under Creative Commons-Attribution (4.0 International License).
The spacer is a remix of the case of the Dremel CNC by ‘NikodemBartnik’ puplished on and thingiverse under Creative Commons-Attribution (4.0 International License).
The wire duct is inspired by ‘Customizable cable duct’ by ‘nagilum’ puplished on thingiverse.
But due to the lack of a working customizer or a .step I had to desig my own.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.