Gently unplug the white connector from the toolhead PCB.
Be extra cautious not to damage the socket during removal!
Thread the plug through the printed part:
Pass the wire through the braided wire sleeve.
Pass the plug through the larger hole in your printed part from the top.
Reconnect the main wire and reassemble the toolhead:
Reconnect the main wire to the toolhead PCB.
Reattach the toolhead cover/fan assembly securely.
Align the printed part:
Position the peg holes on either side of the printed part.
Insert the screw (previously holding the chain) into the appropriate hole and tighten it. Your setup should now resemble the example image provided.
Zip tie the Bowden tube and wire sleeve:
Use zip ties to secure the Bowden tube to the braided wire sleeve.
Additionally, zip tie both the sleeve and Bowden tube to the rear chain bracket.
Use the existing screw holes from the chain fixture for optimal positioning.
Run a self-check or input shaper:
If your printer is rooted, run an Input Shaper calibration.
I have done my best to ensure this guide is clear and beginner-friendly. However, any damage resulting from following (or mis-following) these instructions is your responsibility. If you find any errors or need clarification, please let me know.
I assume no liability for any issues resulting from this guide.