Ultimate Bolt Action Fidget V4.8.3 (Imperfection found, model under work)

Print at your own risk, slight adjustments need to be made.
updated February 21, 2025



To assemble this you will need:

  1.  Filament pieces (~15mm long)
  2.  Glue of any kind, I personally use hot glue.
  3.  Precision. (you will have to use your eyes for some parts, and if you have any ideas to make assembly easier tell me.
  4. A 3D printer. (duhh)



  1.  Put small Z string and clip catch (looks like a "E") in the small square hole the one of the mag pieces. You will know the the E clip catch is facing the right direction if the middle thing fits in the hole in the mag. (mag is shown as black in the picture above.)
  2. Put 4 pieces of 15mm long filament (1.75mm diameter) into holes on mag parts (black as shown)
  3. Glue grip/handle to mag part that has a hole all the way through it on the side with the thickest wall. (it has a half circle concave on the correct side.)
  4. Glue half circle outline onto the top of the mag part after grip/handle is glued on, the correct way to put it on is so the slight indent on one side is touching/facing the grip/handle.
  5. Now this is the tricky part, carefully glue the barrel to the front of the mag (away from the grip where the two circles intersect) use eyes to alline to the half circle outline arch and walls of mag to the best of your ability. (you got this!)
  6. Insert bolt (shown as a long orange cylinder) into the shaft you have made with the grip (make sure it is in the right way and to know that when you printed it the way it was facing insert the top in the action first, make sure the adhesion [the bottom] is not going in the action first but the top goes in first)  and half circle outline and find the hole and make it visible through the cut-out in the bolt carrier.
  7. Then and Only then put the small orange cylinder into the hole (may need to use a hammer hitting it very gently so as not to break it) and put the orange ball on the top of it when inserted. (you will know it is the right way if it fits tightly.)


If this is confusing just ask me or tell me how to word it better, thank you for your patience. 


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
