Carried / hanging (long) cat christmas tree decoration / ornament

The kind of awkward, kind of funny, and pretty cute pose of a cat being held right below the shoulders - as an ornament.
updated December 21, 2024



Disclaimer: This model was designed as a christmas decoration. Please be aware that I can by no means guarantee the model to be safe to use as a toy. If you give 3D printed toys to children, please keep them under supervision. Neither do I intend a use as a toy, nor do I have any influence on the part's stability, the material choice (and so on) when you print the part yourself. If printed in a small size or in case parts of the model break off (e.g. along the layer lines when FFF-printed), it is to be considered a choking hazard, especially for very young children! Especially the legs and the tail in this model are thin and can break off easily.

If you give 3D printed parts to children as a toy, please do so responsibly and at your own risk! To be safe, do not give them 3D printed parts at all!


The kind of awkward, kind of funny, and pretty cute pose of a cat being carried, held right below the shoulders, now turned into a christmas tree decoration. This model features the characteristic “long cat” look. Also, the cat wears a christmas-themed (santa) hat and has a little grommet on its back to attach it to a christmas tree.


Note that though the cat's pose may be cute and/or funny, an actual cat might feel uncomfortable being carried this way.


The main parts are to be printed laying on their flat side with the slot facing down on the print bed (see slicer screenshots). Both parts can be printed without supports, however the paws on the hind legs and the tail may benefit from supports. Two slightly different sizes of connector bit are provided. The connector is a very small part and thus a very quick print, so you can just try the different parts and also experiment with scaling them to make for a snug fit. If a snug fit connector is not enough for a good connection, you can still glue the parts together.

The fuzzy skin feature of some slicers can probably make for a nice finish, especially with matt filaments.


Merry christmas



After printing, I noticed that the grommet, while being added with good intention, makes the model hang in a tilted way (leaning forward). The desired cat pose is accomplished much better when the string is wrapped around below the shoulders, as seen in the title picture.


The sculpting base for this model was Yahoo Japan's cat. The santa hat is the Santa Hat Miniature by HMT, slightly adapted.

The background for the title picture is by Susanne Nilsson, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

by YahooJAPAN (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

The cat's pose was changed by a high degree and its face was slightly resculpted. The santa hat was made more FFF-print-friendly.


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