@kfricke Hi, sorry to answer so late. Yes I have the official version of the Quick-Swap kit and Bracing kit. I added the reducing screw in order to have 2 fixing points and to properly fit the "Support platform CNC" but you can test without and see if it works correctly. Good day to you;)
@Regis on my machine the official bracing kit adds 6mm Z offset which i needed to design and print another "spacer" for. How does the here published models stack together for that situation!?
@kfricke Hi, I have the bracing kit that I just received, but I did not have time to mount it on my machine. If you want, I can modify the part " support cnc platform " add 6 mm in height and send you the file if you want to test it?
@kfricke Hi, actually it is a good idea to add it for those who have the Bracing Kit. I modified the "Support" part with 6 mm more. I just started the print and I think I can test it this afternoon. But I will also propose a wedge, it allows to concerver the old parts, it is faster to print and the wedge will be easier to change for those who want to adjust it to the height. I could post the new pieces at the end of the day I think ;)
Hi! Before i try to mix this into a new revision of the great looking concept, i have two questions...
Do you have a version for a setup with the Quick-Swap kit and the official bracing kit? That should add 15mm + 6mm if i interprete the Snapmaker FAQs correctly: https://support.snapmaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/20786910972311-FAQ-for-Bracing-Kit-for-Snapmaker-2-0-Linear-Modules#h_01HN4Z7S9WJE5BRT492WR0CKH1
The easiest would be to add a "contoured shim" for below the base, maybe?
Do you really need the reducer screw with that hex-nut head? Seems to add contact and thereby stability, or os that optional?
A simple 6mm block works great for my needs!
Hi, sorry to answer so late. Yes I have the official version of the Quick-Swap kit and Bracing kit. I added the reducing screw in order to have 2 fixing points and to properly fit the "Support platform CNC" but you can test without and see if it works correctly. Good day to you;)
@Regis on my machine the official bracing kit adds 6mm Z offset which i needed to design and print another "spacer" for. How does the here published models stack together for that situation!?
Hi, I have the bracing kit that I just received, but I did not have time to mount it on my machine. If you want, I can modify the part " support cnc platform " add 6 mm in height and send you the file if you want to test it?
@Regis that will work, but I already added an additional 6mm part by myself.
For this model you might want to add it for completeness.
Hi, actually it is a good idea to add it for those who have the Bracing Kit. I modified the "Support" part with 6 mm more. I just started the print and I think I can test it this afternoon. But I will also propose a wedge, it allows to concerver the old parts, it is faster to print and the wedge will be easier to change for those who want to adjust it to the height. I could post the new pieces at the end of the day I think ;)
@Regis this is my wedge based setup. It fits and the y axis moves. But since built yesterday has not yet been tested extensively.