Dog Pawprint Keychain with heart

Keychain dog pawprint with heart
updated December 31, 2021



good, my first bicolor print :)

@Marik3D looks great. Thanks for sharing your print.

@StorkMastur_633315 glad you enjoyed it. 😊 your print looks great. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for this, just what I was looking for. My daughter has drawn paw prints that look just like this (w/o the heart) on everything since she was young. I ended up making 3 for my daughter, 2 for dogs that passed and 1 for her current dog. She works at a dog rescue for puppy mills in Okinawa.
I printed at 200% so she could hang them up. The only thing I didn't think about until the prints started was that I could have decreased the Z height when I increased the X & Y, to make them thinner. But they turned out great anyways.

@sledutah so glad you liked the model. Thanks so much for sharing. Those turned out great!

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