Petlibro Balimo kibble automatic feeder Surefeed combination for cats

allows combining a surefeed feeder with an automatic kibble feeder.
18h 20m
3× print file
0.12 mm
0.40 mm
72.00 g
updated January 29, 2025



This model was inspired by ThoughtFactory over on thingiverse doing this with a feeder by PETKIT. Also refer this for assembly and demo video:



This whole setup is done with the purpose of creating an automatic kibble feeder that is only accessible for the right cat with the right implanted chip. As you currently cannot buy any ready made device doing this, this is the DYI approach


What you need

  • surefeed chip feeder. connect or non connect both work
  • kibble feeder with this rectangular kibble opening. different brands sell or have sold this under different names. look for the basic shape and check if the opening looks similar. I have one device by petlibro and and one by balimo, both are not carried anymore by those brands, i got them used for cheap. they are not smart feeders themselves, they just work with buttons and an internal clock. 



As I have a prusa mini that won't fit the base or the lid outright, I provided different versions for the mini printer that can be printed in two parts and files that can be printed as one on bigger printers. 

Surefeed lid with cutout

  • this is a remix with smaller cutout of this file by ThoughtFactory: 
  • should be printed in PETG, especially the mini variant that prints in multiple parts, as you need to bend it a little to connect and PLA would just break.
  • I included files with settings for the best transparency results. It's still not like glass but a lot better than standard settings, also takes a lot longer though. I used natural PETG by Das Filament, which prints best at 220°. If you use different filament this is likely a setting you should adjust. 

Petlibro/Balimo Base


  • bridge is needed to keep the right distance and orientation between both feeders
  • file is a remix of this file (added screw holes and adjusted to fit the petlibro base also adjusted to fit on the prusa mini printer),  by TriBeard:

Petlibro Slide 

  • own creation. Used double sided tape to keep it in place inside the feeder
  • make sure the slide does not catch on the lid when opening, especially when using the thief protection top! if it catches, the slide is inserted too deep into the feeder.
  • you can chose not to print the “top” part of it, it is mainly to provide slight thievery protection as it closes the hole in the surefeed lid cutout. If your cats are polite and do not try to fish through the cutout then you might not need it. you can always print it later and just slide it in, if you find you do need it.




ThoughtFactory has an assembly and demonstration video, same basic concept applies for my version aswell:


make sure the slide does not catch on the lid when opening, especially when using the thief protection top! if it catches, the slide is inserted too deep into the feeder.

I highly recommend fixing the whole thing on a wooden platform as it makes it easier to move it around as a whole for cleaning and stuff. I have built a version with a wooden base for the kibble feeder and fixed it with wooden dowels on the platform, which removes the need to print the base and bridge, and also a version with all printed files. Below I have attached pictures of my two versions, one fully printed and one using scrap wood as base.



Fully 3D Printed built

This shows the kibble feeder version by Balimo on a printed base. Slide top part is installed, the hole in the lid is closed by it to protect against a cat fishing through it. The lid was printed in two parts on a prusa mini in transparent PETG. This lid was printed with standard settings, see below for better transparency results to compare. 



Additional pic of a lid printed with ideal settings for transparency. See above pic to compare with standard settings. But it does take a lot longer to print. I have attached m3f and gcode files if you want to try this. I used natural PETG by Das Filament which prints best at 220°.


Mixed Lumber/3D Printed buillt

This shows the kibble feeder version by petlibro on a wooden base. Lid was printed in one part on a bigger printer. 


Category: Pets


Model origin

The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.

Automatic Microchip Pet Feeder
by ThoughtFactory (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Adjustments to lid and completley new base & slide to work with a different feeder (petlibro, balimo)
