Filament Dry Box Easy Name Tags - For Orca and like slicers

Easy Orca slicer template for 2 color Filament Dry Box name tags.
updated February 19, 2025



This is part of a larger remix (in progress) of several filament drybox designs addressing various deficiencies. This one addresses the lack of easily customizable name tags. Just open the file in Orca (or compatible) slicer click the piece of text you wish to modify, and either press the T key or click the T on the top right toolbar, edit the text, slice, and print.

The model is setup to auto slice using a Negative Part exactly at the layer change between color 1 and 2. For weird slicer reasons I had to make color 2 the bottom part as for some reason the first color is used for fill above the change regardless of the visible wall layer's color. Probably a slicer bug.

This should work just fine on both multi color and single color printers either swapping tools or prompting for a filament swap at the correct location (layer 5 @ 0.8mm) without the need for a manual pause.

Note: Make sure to use a high contrast filament for the base color so the text shows through, but I don't recommend a dark color unless the top color is extra bright. (Example: Orange PETG may seem opaque, but if placed on top of Black PETG it appears muddy, but on White it's bright and vibrant and closer to its intended shade).

Reminder: This was made using Orca Slicer and may or may not work in other slicers.

Shout out to the original designers, their designs were highly inspirational and have become my obsession these past few months.

Update: Didn't realize how badly Orca can mess up multi-color if you swap printer types, so I've updated the model to just use a manual filament swap instead which should be more useful.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

A quick template to change the text for the labels.
