I wanted to make a screen mounted audio mixer that I can use to adjust individual audio levels for different programs on my PC.
This Is A Work In Progress!
The audio mixer houses 5 rotary knobs which connect to RM065 Potentiometers. The 5 POTs are connected to a Pololu A-Star 32U4 Micro micro controller. The micro controller reads the POTs and when it reads a (significant) change in value sends it over serial monitor (USB cable) to the (Windows) PC. On the PC there is a program that reads the serial monitor and changes the corresponding value of the Windows Volume Mixer.
Inside the housing there are stand-offs for 6 pcbs. 5 for each of the POTs and 1 for the micro controller. the pcbs are made out of perma-proto board/veroboard/stripboard (dimensions t.b.c.).
The software is still W.I.P. however I am deciding between using Deej (https://github.com/omriharel/deej) or creating my own using pycaw (https://github.com/AndreMiras/pycaw).
The audio mixer is designed to be made out of PLA (other materials also work). All components can be printed without support and with minimal post-processing. The knobs can either be made in a single colour or using multi material for a highlighted stripe. After printing all components can snapped together (optionally using some glue for added security). The Mixer then glues to the back of your monitor using some double sided tape.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.